Assessment Tools and Surveys
The Secretan Center has created several tools, surveys and other items that support Higher Ground Leadership®, a set of guiding principles that can help individuals and organizations determine direction, measure professional and personal development and guide them through the evolution of change that leads to greater success.
Please feel free to contact us with questions about any of the assessment tools and surveys offered here.
Assessment Tools and Surveys
The Vector® Survey
This instrument will provide you with a personal assessment of your Mastery, Chemistry and Delivery, and the degree to which you are growing or declining in each of these three measures.
CASTLE® Survey
This instrument will calculate your personal levels of Courage, Authenticity, Service, Truthfulness, Love, and Effectiveness—the CASTLE® Principles.
Burnout Survey
Research shows that there is an increasing confluence of work life and social issues creating a perfect storm of stress and burnout. Our “always on” society, violence, pandemics, dysfunctional politics and more, all lead to a growing absence of spirit and well-being in our lives.
The Soulscreen
Dr. Lance Secretan’s breakthrough book “Reclaiming Higher Ground” introduced the radical idea that a spiritual deficit existed within the workplace. It was the first time that a prominent thought leader in the field of leadership had proposed that the fundamental human yearning for spiritual relevance needed to be accommodated at work just as much as elsewhere in life. Take the free test.
The Bellwether Survey
Lance Secretan defines “The Bellwether Effect” (his latest book) as, “copying the business practices of those who influence group behavior” – a poor reason for decision-making. Take this free quiz to see if you are a victim of The Bellwether Effect”.
The Congruence Wheel
Whole Human Coaching®
THE Likability Audit
Forty percent of employees leave their companies because they can’t get along with their boss. In other words, their leaders are not inspiring, and the followers don’t like them. Given the current defection rate of employees from corporations (40% are thinking of quitting) and the difficulty employers are experiencing in recruiting talent, it might be wise for leaders to consider working on their “likability”.
Foundation MASTERCLASS Checklist
Take this simple free tool to gage how will you apply what you’ve learned from Lance’s teachings to change demotivating business practices into inspiring ones?
Advanced MASTERCLASS Checklist
Take this simple free tool to gage how will you apply what you’ve learned from Lance’s teachings to change demotivating business practices into inspiring ones?