The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch

What makes some people so unique that they become a beacon for the rest of us? How do they achieve breakthroughs and unique accomplishments that others merely hope for? How do they inspire us to do things we would not otherwise be able to do on our own? In other words, what makes a great leader, and how do they inspire us and change the world?

What makes some people so unique that they become a beacon for the rest of us? How do they achieve breakthroughs and unique accomplishments that others merely hope for? How do they inspire us to do things we would not otherwise be able to do on our own? In other words, what makes a great leader, and how do they inspire us and change the world?

In this keynote, Dr. Lance Secretan takes us on an invigorating, radical and inspiring journey in which he asks a question: “Given all the investments we have made with leadership experts, consultants, books and workshops, why is our contemporary leadership paradigm so broken—in politics, business, academia, healthcare, law, religion and elsewhere?” He’ll share an entirely fresh approach that breaks away from the pack—a reset—that has been successfully proven by corporations, cities, states and provinces and countries.

Secretan challenges current thinking about mission, vision and values statements, leadership theory, brand management theory, motivation techniques, psychometric profiling, performance management systems and coaching—to name a few, and then describes, based on his own experience and success, how alternatives to these ideas—called Higher Ground Leadership®—have been successfully implemented by some of the greatest organizations in the world.

Secretan’s presentation will reveal the results of 35 years of research, teaching and working with great leaders globally. This is a message that unlocks the answers to challenging questions and defines a leadership path that will forever change your thinking—and change your life.

He shows us how everyone can be an inspiring leader, create inspiring organizations and change the world. He presents these ideas in his trademark style, enriched by dazzling multimedia, fascinating stories and metaphors, and a unique engagement with his audience. Secretan distills complex and original ideas into simple, easy-to-implement concepts, processes, and exercises that explain how to inspire a team, organization, or country—or your family and friends.

"Lance Secretan—through the use of his inspiring CASTLE® Principles—shows us how to transform, stretch, and excite an organization to a new level of performance and excellence."

Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO,

Workshop: The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch

In this workshop Dr. Secretan offers an overview of Higher Ground Leadership® from his ground-breaking book, The Spark, the Flame and the Torch, sharing theories and teaching through a dynamic, interactive workshop, in which he will engage with  and guide participants through practical ideas, exercises and processes and invigorating conversations.

This will be a challenging and very practical workshop in which new ideas will be explained and demonstrated, leading to a greater awareness of self, others and the role of inspiration and leadership in changing self, others and the world.

You will learn:

    1. Why Leadership has failed us, and why the real need in organizations today is for inspiration
    2. The difference between inspiration and motivation
    3. The Spark: How to Regenerate Your Personal Level of Inspiration.
      1. Defining your North Star—The “Why-Be-Do®
      2. Raising performance by building powerful relationships
      3. The power of inspiring language
      4. Creating a Corporate Dream (and a personal one too)
    4. The Flame: How to be a More Inspiring Person—and Leader—with Others.
      1. The CASTLE® Principles
    5. The Torch: New Approaches to coaching, mentoring and developing leaders (and others in your life)
      1. Values-centered Leadership®

To find out more about either the Keynote Presentation or the Workshop based on this theme, or to book Lance, please contact us here. A member of our team will contact you within 24 hours.